Shop Connector

You can configure the platforms credentials like api base url and access-key in the .env file. For all available configs take a look in the platform specific config directory
Shopware 6 example .env:
PLATFORM = 'shopware'
PLATFORM_BASE_URL = 'http://my-shopware'
API_BASE_URL = 'http://my-shopware/store-api'
To fetch data from your e-commerce system, hubble provides you a bunch of composables which uses a platform specific api client and maps the responses in a typed and generalized format.
You can find all available composables inside the platform specific directory: node_modules/@hubblecommerce/hubble/dist/platforms/[PLATFORM]/composables
For example to fetch and show the current users cart:
<div v-if="loading">
Loading cart...
<div v-else-if="error && !loading">
An error occurred: {{ error }}
<div v-else-if="!loading && !error">
{{ cart }}
<script setup lang="ts">
const cartStore = useCart() // No import needed, composable is auto-imported by Nuxt
const { cart, loading, error } = storeToRefs(cartStore) // States to be used to display in template
const { getCart, deleteCart } = cartStore // functions to manipulate cart
API Client
Should you want to access your platform api directly nevertheless, you can write your own composable and use the platform specific api-client by yourself.
You can find the api client here: node_modules/@hubblecommerce/hubble/dist/platforms/[PLATFORM]/api-client
Data mapping
To simply fetch data from the api is not enough because our components expect a different data schema. Therefore, the response data need to be mapped first.
Every api client provides its specific mapping helper functions: node_modules/@hubblecommerce/hubble/dist/platforms/[PLATFORM]/utils/mapping/dataMapping.ts
They map the api responses to the common types our components expect: node_modules/@hubblecommerce/hubble/dist/commons/utils/types