Hubble Coding Guidelines for Contributors

A component:

  • is a Vue.js single file component (SFC)
  • uses properties to control the components' behaviour (configuration)
  • uses <MiscLink> for internal anchors to make use of multilanguage
  • imports child components dynamically
  • uses garbage collection to avoid memory leaksopen in new window

State management:

  • uses pinia for managing states between components


  • has as few dependencies as possible


  • is functional on all modern devices
  • uses the style section of a SFC

Code Markup:

  • use self-closing html tags in template
  • takes into account all rules defined via eslint / prettier when programming
  • uses ES6 JS Features


  • can render all relevant content server-side to facilitate search engine crawling
  • contains valid HTML markup (only one H1 per page, meta descriptions, images alt tag, anchor rel tags)


  • always provides feedback to the user for all interactions, e.g. a transition or animation at a speed of 0.2 - 0.3 seconds
  • displays a confirmation message when it comes to user input that triggers an API call that succeeds
  • displays an error message when it comes to user input that triggers an API call that fails
  • has a clear loading indicator and placeholders when an API call is made


  • inline documentation in english